Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fun times

Hey sweet baby girl. You have spent a lot of time with Grammy this week and it has been great! You are babbling new sounds. When you get mad, you say nananana really loud. You stomp your feet and clap your hands. I can't keep from laughing. You have a ways to go before you catch up to your momma at this age! She was a champ at temper tantrums. You spent last night with me and Papa at the farm. You loved the bull that mooed at you. You held a June bug. Rocks and dirt are your friends. It was great fun! I love watching you grow and change. As Always Grammy loves you! 04-22-2012 Avery

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Miss Independent

Hi sweet baby girl. Boy are you a stubborn little girl! You want to do everything without help. That causes showdowns sometimes.
When you get mad you run away and cry or lay face down on the floor and cry. You are very dramatic!
I think you are heading full blast toward the terrible twos! It promises to be bumpy but wonderful!
As always, Grammy loves you!