Sunday, June 4, 2017

What a stinker!

Hi there sweet girl. It has been a while since the last blog. Since Pop and I moved to the farm, we have been pretty busy. You have spent a few nights with us this summer. It has been fun! You, however, want to come to see Sadie the dog more than us. hehe We don't mind. It is great making memories. You love to help Pop (or Papa depending on your mood) in the garden. Picking vegetables is a chore you love until the misquitoes find you. They love you as much as they love your mommy. You have helped me cook and can vegetables. You are such a good helper! Speaking of the dog Sadie....You call her Sadie Patady. You heard me call

Friday, October 14, 2016

Birthday coming up!

Hey sweet girl! This has been a busy year for all of us. You are growing and changing so fast that I feel like if I blink, I will miss something. You are in kindergarten with home school and learning like crazy. Your mommy and daddy have decided to home school due to the state of our schools and the moral code taught. They have prayed and asked God for guidance and He is blessing this whole experience. You are thriving and learning so fast. You love math and are really good at it. You can read, tell time and reason really well. I am amazed on the days that I teach, at how fast you are learning. You are so much fun to be with now (unless you are in your drama mode). You are funny and love to joke around. You are making friends and enjoying the social aspect of your life. It is great to hear you talk about your friends and see how much you care about them. With this, comes the possibility of hurt feelings. That makes me anxious. I don't ever want to see your sweet heart broken. I know it will happen but I dread it. I hope I can keep my redneck Ge in check so I don't show out when that happens. As your 6th birthday approaches, I am still so very blessed to get to spend time with you and love on you often! You are such a joy and I love you a bushel and a peck!! As always, Ge loves you! 10-14-2016 Avery

Sunday, June 12, 2016

First 2016 update

Hey there precious girl! It has been almost 6 months since my last update. I need to do better. You change so fast that I really need to update much more often. You are out of preschool now. You did amazing! You love to learn and learning comes easy for you. It is so exciting to watch you learn new things. Your mommy is going to home school you this next year. I am so glad God has led your parents to that decision. Our world has fallen so far from God and His commands. You have a dance recital soon. You have decided that you do not want to continue dance after this year and try gymnastics instead. You will be good at this I think. Your love for horses is still very big! You are so tender hearted toward all animals. You have a nurturing spirit that loves to take care of things. You are rally starting to swim now. You love the water and especially the beach. Mommy and daddy take you at least once a year to the beach and that makes you very happy. Just recently, you told your sister all about what the gospel meant. You didn't call it the gospel but you explained it very well. I bet God is going to use you in a big way! You already love Him and recognize that He is the creator. So, here at the farm, we still have lots of chickens. You love the silkies. We also now have a llama and an alpaca. They are not trained to allow us to pet them much yet but I am working on it. They could both live until you are in your twenties. You are still a blessing and a joy to love and care for. You have Ge's heart sweet girl! As always, Ge loves you! 06-12-2016 Avery

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Preschool big girl

Hey precious girl! It has been a long time since my last update. Life has gotten really busy for all of us. Your family moved into your new home in July. It was amazing to see God work in that process. He has your family right where He wants you to live. You are in a great house, great neighborhood with wonderful neighbors. You are going to church at the church your neighbor pastors. You seem to love it! You started preschool in the fall. You have love it. You are doing so good. It is amazing to watch you as you grow and change as you step out into the world. It is scary for us adults as we know how mean the world can be. Your innocence is so sweet and special. It is sad to see it go as you learn about the world. Your Grampy Webb went to heaven on Ella Grace's birthday. He got really sick really fast. You loved him so much and he adored you. I hope we can all keep his memory alive for you and Ella Grace. It is important for you to remember his life and love. I am officially retiring from DCI in a few days. I hope this will give me more time to have you girls at the farm. I will be really busy with the farm and you girls. We hope to take our farm busy to the next level. It is such a blessing to be your Ge. You are an incredible child and I love you with all my heart. Christmas is in a few days and I can't wait to see you at the farm. Having all of the family here at the farm makes me a happy Ge! As always. Ge loves you! 12-22-2015 Avery

Sunday, June 21, 2015

What a grown up girl your are!

Hey sweet girl! It has been a long time since I updated this blog. You have grown up so much in the last six months. It has been challenging as you have worked through your feelings for Ella Grace. You have had a hard time sharing people and things with her. There were times when you seemed to not like her at all. Over the last month, you have started playing with her and helping with her. She loves it. She wants to do everything you do and say everything you say. This causes trouble sometimes. You often encourage her to do things that she is not supposed to hoping she gets in trouble. You are finding out that life does not work like that. It has been a long process but I think you two are going to be great friends. The funniest thing you have said to me lately is " I know one thing. THAT baby is nothing but trouble!" It was very hard not to laugh when you said that. It was so funny. You were very serious. You had your second dance recital this month. You did all the steps and looked absolutely beautiful. All seven grandparents were there to see you. We all love you so much! This is an exciting time! You and your family will be moving into your new house in three weeks!! That is going to be so good. You are quickly learning to love chickens, especially the silkies. You have named them. The names are Butterscotch, Black, Black Icing, Marshmellow, and Marshmellow Chocolate. You can tell them apart with no trouble. You love being at the farm. It is an adventure for you to explore here. The farm is so busy this time of year. Before long, you will be able to be a big help with all the farm chores. You helped feed the chickens yesterday and did a great job. You, sweet girl, are such a blessing!! As always, Ge loves you! 06-21-2015 Avery

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

Hi precious girl! Well, Christmas 2014 has come and gone. We had so much fun! It was fun watching you as you are beginning to understand more about what it means. You seem so grown up most of the time. You are tall and beautiful. You are really smart too. You are still struggling with jealousy over Ella Grace but seem to be getting better. You get in trouble alot for having a smart mouth. This is really odd since you watch very little tv and do not stay with anyone that you would be talking like that. I feel sure that this will just be a stage also. You have been taught well and know what is right and what is wrong. What a blessing you are to your whole family. I enjoy staying with you so much!! As always, Ge loves you!! 12-29-2014 Avery

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Almost 4 years old

Hi sweet girl. Next week you will turn 4 years old!! How can that be possible? It seems like you were just born but yet I can't imagine a time without you. We have had 4 years of wonderful bonding. I love you more than you will ever know! You are such a smart little girl. It is going to be a struggle to keep you from being bored in school. You comprehend everything quickly and love to learn. Right now we are dealing with jealousy issues and misbehaving. This will all pass as time goes by. Your favorite toy right now is Charlotte the rocking horse. Me and Pop gave her to you for Christmas when you were two. You didn't like her then but boy has she been loved since. She is really showing her age. You can make her scoot across the floor like she was on wheels. You and her are in races almost daily. You have a love of my little pony and all things horses. I wish we could get you a pony or horse to keep here at the farm. Maybe... You are an incredible blessing! As always, Ge loves you!! 10-11-2014 Avery