Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cold, cold weather

Hi baby girl. January is drawing to a close and boy has it been cold! I don't remember a winter with this many single digit temperatures. Your Pop has been busy cutting firewood to keep the farm warm. Even though he loves the outdoor work, it has been a struggle to keep up. When it is frigid cold he can't be out for long periods of time. You continue to grow and be a blessing to all. You are doing really good with your baby sister. There have been some jealousy and neediness on your part but not much. You are an awesome big sister! You are still giving everyone a train name. You don't forget who is which train. I am going to try to name them here but may not get them all. You are Thomas but sometimes Jessie (from Toystory), Mommy is Rosie, Daddy is Cranky, Tucker is James, Ge is Toby, Pop is Terrence, Sadie is Luke, Emmitt is Spencer, Uncle Dennis is Hiro, Aunt Kate is Emily, Uncle Josh is Percy, Uncle Wayne is Diesel. I know you have told me the names for grammy, grampy, grandpa and grandma sandy but I can't remember. You call the robot vacuum Roberta. You also have named Roxy and Miss Kerri. It is such fun to watch you as you reason and try to negotiate. You are super smart. Preschool starts again soon. I know you will do great!! as always, Ge loves you!! 01-26-2014 Avery